Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goals Update: January 2012

January has come and gone and I'm left reflecting on the month that has past, the goals I set out to accomplish and how each of those goals has panned out.

Here is a copy of my goals from original January Goals post as well as...my commentary on how things looked in real life.


Drink one glass of water when I wake up and before I go to bed -- Fairly frequently, as much of a habit as it will ever be. One thing that will always and forever more throw me off a routine such as this is traveling or having any sort of holiday, but I'm not about to give that up!
Stretch at least once a day -- Again, quite frequently, but Taiwan travels 'got in the way'.
Do a minimum of 12 push-ups and 12 sit-ups everyday -- Ditto.
(These goals are from the 30 day challenge I set up in September, so they're nearly habits now, although sickness and holidays kind of threw me off)
Floss daily (or at minimum 3 days a week) -- I did not meet this goal exactly but I flossed WAY more this past month than any other month in my previous life, so I have a ways to go, but it's not looking so dreadful these days.
Daily journal about 5 things for which I am grateful -- Everyday. Sometimes the morning after, but everyday. You can see highlights of the month here if you're so inclined ^.^

Within the Month:

Finish my MAED (that's a given, but I want to mark it anyway) -- HELLS YEAH! Feels good!
Write about a minimum of 10 days in the travel journal I started for our world tour in 2010 -- Not a single one...just plain laziness in that regard.
Finish at least 6 books toward my 2012 reading goal of 50 books in a year -- Read Eight Books this month! So fantastic, I love having my nose in a book.
Update my food blog within 3 days of preparing a meal -- Not so much. A couple of times I had it down, then we went to Taiwan...excuses.
Make the most of a week in Taiwan (that includes making plans and being prepared to soak in as much culture and experiences as possible!) -- It was a bit tougher than expected, but great nonetheless, when I'm done with the series over at The Harrington Times, I'll post the stories here.

Overall: As I expected, our travels to Taiwan threw me off my groove slightly in terms of stretching/toning, flossing and drinking water more regularly. However, I'm still quite impressed with how well I was able to keep up on those tasks and thrilled that the slight discipline required to keep a Gratitude Journal was easily tackled. I think keeping a Gratitude Journal is by far one of the healthiest things I do in my day to day life.

Below is a screen shot of a complete January.

Now, on to planning February's Goals!

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