Sunday, January 29, 2012

Book 2012: On Sparrow Hill

On Sparrow Hill (The Oak Leaves Series #2)On Sparrow Hill by Maureen Lang

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I first received my Kindle, I read the first book of this series by Maureen Lang entitled The Oak Leaves. I thoroughly enjoyed the story of Cosima from Ireland but wasn't as caught up in the story of Talie in the U.S. Nonetheless, I had enjoyed the first and the series and was eager to read the second.

The second did not disappoint. I loved the story coming from the letters of Berrie to Cosima as much as I loved the story of Dana (Talie's sister) and Rebecca. I love the way the family history was woven together from generations long ago until the present day and the way certain familial themes emerged, not only the genetic condition of fragile X but the faith, hope and love these family members were able to express in their actions toward one another and to the Lord.
A few highlights:
"Yet there is something about her that reminds me of myself. Perhaps it is her unflinching belief that she is where she ought to be, despite all of the challenges." (Location 1703)
"Worry, I have learned, seems to be a virus. Once caught, it is nearly impossible to cure." (Location 1949)
"The greatest hope comes after surrendering, whether that hope is fulfilled in our lifetime or not." (Location 5014)

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