Sunday, January 15, 2012

On this day, January 16th I will...

Exhale. Let go. Move forward.

Today marks the end of a journey I never expected to take.
Twelve courses.
Thirty-six credits.
Fourteen months.
One hundred and forty papers.
Countless textbook pages.
Numerous discussion posts.
Twice as many discussion responses.
Thousands of words.
and Zero debt later.

I've always "done school" well. And this master's program was no exception.
I read. I posted on time. I finished assignments. I poured my heart and soul into research and the crafting of words onto pages and within presentations.

But being a "good student" has always stressed me out.
I don't always know how to find that perfect balance of not becoming so engrossed by studies that I forget to take time for things that I love and the re-juvinate me. And although I believe I grew a lot in that respect specifically while simultaneously growing in professional knowledge, passion and ability present myself as an educator, I'm indescribably anxious to move forward.

to let go of this season.

to exhale that experience.

and to  inhale the next.

The end couldn't have come at a better time.

Less than a week from now, I'll be exploring foreign lands with the man who continues to capture my heart. And that is indescribably re-juvenating. I'm anxious to breathe it all in, to live it up and to never, not even once, think about reading a chapter, writing a discussion or finishing an assignment before going to explore one new thing.

This feels good.

(Typed having still coursing through my veins the rich flavor of a coffee latte made by the sweet barista of Joony Pie Cafe who unkowningly assisted my celebration by offering the most delectable homemade cheesecake free of charge on this day of celebration!)

1 comment:

Micah and SaraJane said...

WAHOO!!!! I always knew you could do this! So proud of you pursuing this and nurturing your gifts. Congrats!

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