Friday, January 6, 2012

Books 2012: The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow

The Prayers of Agnes SparrowThe Prayers of Agnes Sparrow by Joyce Magnin

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Agnes Sparrow is a morbidly obese woman (700 pounds) with a secret. A secret she keeps for years. A secret which causes her deep guilt and a desire to 'redeem' she prays. She prays everyday for everyone who asks and/or anyone living or passing through her town of Bright's Pond. The community of Bright's Pond loves Agnes for the miracles they have received through her prayers and are constantly working toward honoring her through billboards and statues. Griselda, the narrator and sister of Agnes, faithfully cares for her sister everyday while also running the towns library. Unfortunately, miracles start to come in less appealing 'packaging' and the community of Bright's Pond begin to claim Agnes has lost her powers and/or is an agent of the devil when great tragedy strikes the town.

Personally, I thought the story was simple but a bit longer than necessary. However, the author gives a lot to building the community as viewed by Griselda which helps place the reader in the community in an authentic way - knowing some characters intimately and some simply through gossip and rumor.

The most intriguing aspects of this story were the idolization of Agnes and the perception of miracles that the townsfolk had...which may be the reality of the way miracles are viewed.

"People were always thinking of miracles in terms of really, really good things happening. Why couldn't an ulcer or cancer or any other affliction be just as miraculous if it served God's purpose?" page 128/Location 2595

I think this is so interesting and so true. I think we are so quick to decide what is good and what is bad and assume that only that which is 'good' is capable of being a miracle. However, I know and have experienced things that for all evaluative purposes seem 'bad' but have brought forth the greatest fruit and opportunity to serve God and love people more genuinely and authentically.

"A smile as wide as Wyoming burst across Mildred's otherwise poker face." page 235/Location 4855 (Wyoming PRIDE!!!)

Seriously, Wyoming pride...that's all.

"Tell me, Miss God-fearing Griselda, would you have been able to find any Christian charity, any mercy, any forgiveness in your heart and let me stay?" Page 283/Location 5921

Said by a man behind prison bars who just confessed to bringing about one of the towns most painful, earth-shattering events.  Although the book paints the picture that his being caught and put in prison was the serving of justice (which I agree, although his previous crimes aren't well painted so I still kind of liked him and wanted more redemption to be served to his character), these lines stuck out because they are convicting. He had a history which he hid from the people because he wanted to receive charity, mercy and forgiveness.  I spend a portion of my time thinking about people I love doing heinous things and trying to work out in my heart and mind the process of forgiveness...I think it's such an easy process to fail in...and to justify our failures.

"Get ready and the second you hear that horn, you start screaming and see if you can scream louder than the train and the whistle. I don't believe it can be done. I tried every night for a year after Bubba died and many a night after." Page 343/Location 7189

I hope SaraJane, Erin and Annalise are reading this post because this section of the book reminded me of each of them...the process of being angry and not being scared to be visibly angry (with some caution and control of the anger).  Whether it's throwing eggs at rocks, breaking plates or screaming louder than trains finding outlets for anger and facing that emotion is something each of these women have taught me and this book brought forth that memory.

View all my reviews

A few other notes: I read this book primarily en route to work on the bus and cuddled up at 519 Galma home on the couch or big comfy chair.  It has been a post-Christmas, entering the new year, semi-vacation, English winter camp season book. I'm feeling generally hopeful and motivated as the New Year begins and I'm committed to rocking through a ton of books this year, especially as the end of my Master's is so near to being completed.

(Typed while working through my morning glass of water as per '30 Day Challenge' regulation...although my glass is a light brown mug...go figure)

1 comment:

Annalise said...

I just read this and LOVED it for two reasons: WYO PRIDE and screaming over trains...Amy and I definitely screamed at a few trains last year when we lived near the tracks.

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