Friday, March 2, 2012

Of Friendships

I have this friend.
She is beautiful.
She is also addicted to blogging, much as I am.
Her writing is elegant, beautiful and insightful.
I love her.

I want to tell you more about her, how our friendship began, how it's played out over the 6 years I've known her and how it's continually blessed me regardless of distance, age, season, etc.

I mention this friend in particular because she has a beautiful way of presenting her friendships through the medium of blogging.

And I want that.

Through her writing and pictures and storytelling, I've gotten to know men and women that are beautiful, bold, brave and boisterous. I can see her happiness and understand how her life is influencing others and how others are influencing her and that brings me a certain joy and contentment that would otherwise be impossible.

Through her writing and pictures and storytelling, I'm convinced she's swimming in the emotions of the moment, filled with gratitude that these people are in her life. I can imagine the supreme joy she receives in remembering and recording these moments and reflecting on these friendships.

And I need that.

I've been toying around with ways to use this space to not only process things on my mind, but to remember the community that is so often on my heart, mind and tongue. To tell those stories even here.

Because I need a place to see them.
Because I need a routine of remembering them...this semester could be lethal otherwise.
Because I need to remember that friendships are real and valuable and that each has given and continues to give me more than I could ever dreamed, even through the distance.

My posts may not be of the same 'in-the-moment' quality as those of my inspiration.
But some will be.
Because I have friends here, in this moment. And I have friends that are in this moment regardless of miles.
And, I have such strong memories of friends that I hold onto in the sincerest of ways.

I don't know exactly what will come of future musings, about specific friends. I'm not sure what order their stories will be presented, for me it's of no importance. I've long given up on ranking the importance of my friends in comparison to one another. I wouldn't be where I am without any one of them, wouldn't be who I am, wouldn't love this life the way I do were any single one removed from my history, present or future.

Dear friends,

I love you dearly and I hope over the months and years you will slowly see how much you mean to me, how you've influenced me and how I truly carry you with me everywhere I go.

Yours Truly,

P.S. Blog addicted friend who often writes about their sweet friends, how long did it take for you to know it was you I referenced? ;)

(Typed while snacking on spent grain pancakes, topped with Nutella and sipping Earl Grey tea with milk and sugar from a brown bone china mug wearing a sweet little knit sweater while curled up in my favorite chair which was pulled in off the street...oh how much sweeter it is to blog from home than the school ^^)

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