Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meditation: III

The problem with choosing to memorize Psalm 139 in it entirety
is that I can't skip over the verses that make me feel uncomfortable.
the verses that confuse me
the verses that make make me ask
difficult questions.

I don't know exactly what it is about this weeks verse
but it was difficult for me.
and -- it was so good for me.

As I share my reflections
remember, I'm not a theologian
just a girl who finds hope and comfort
in the being of Christ and the existence of God.

(This is how this verse makes me feel. A little less sure yet hopeful nonetheless.)
If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
Away from me, you bloodthristy men!
They speak of you with evil intent;
your advirsaries misuse your name.
Psalm 139: 19-20

Thought 1:
This is humanities greatest question
a roadblock for many
'Why does evil exist?'

Thought 2:
Context of Psalm 139
the psalmist has been amazed
by God's presence, majesty
and incomprehensibility

"Words of Another" 1:
The Message -
please God, do away with
wickedness for good...
away with [those] who belittle you
infatuated with cheap God-imitations

"Words of Another" 2:
Contemporary English Version
kill all cruel and heartless people

Final Thought:
I too, experience this range
of emotions
like the psalmist, I am
amazed. humbled. awe-struck. angered. devastated.

it is a healthy response
to despise and hate wickedness

i need to dialogue these things
with my God
because i cannot be the judge

i am not sure
about evil and wickedness
and how to combat them
but i am hopeful, nonetheless

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