Saturday, February 11, 2012

Book 2012: The Year of Living Biblically

The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as PossibleThe Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible by A.J. Jacobs

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really, really enjoyed this read and found it one of the more spiritually insightful reads I've picked up in a while. It's so refreshing to have someone without a spiritual-advice-giving-agenda go to the word of God and pick out things that seem amazing and beneficial and ... like great advice. I'm finding myself reflecting on the frequency for which I give thanks throughout the day, how I acknowledge the Sabbath (or rest), and how I view the future among other things.

A few highlights and passages that I enjoyed/stuck out from The Year of Living Biblically are as follows:

(Handing over a bottle of wine to a colleague and the ensuing conversation)

"What's this?"
"It's because you're depressed. The Bible says to bring wine to the heavy of heart."
"The Bible says that?"
"Yes. It also says that you shouldn't sing to people with a heavy heart. That'd be like rubbing vinegar in the wound."
"So you're not going to sing to me?"
"No" (pg. 70)

"I think there's something to the idea that the divine dwells more easily in text than in images. Text allows for more abstract thought, more of a separation between you and the physical world, more room for you and God to meet in the middle." (pg. 106)

"There's something relieving and paradoxically liberating about surrendering yourself to a minimal-choice lifestyle, especially as our choices multiply like cable channels." (pg. 143)

"If you roll up your sleeves, even the oddest passages - and the one about edible bugs qualifies - can be seen as a sign of God's mercy and compassion." (pg. 176)

"I find it a profound reminder of the murky instability of the future" (pg. 237 referencing his habit of tacking 'God willing' to the end of any future plans including 'See you tonight.')

View all my reviews

A few other notes: I began this book while taking off from Incheon International Airport in South Korea in route to Taipei, Taiwan for a weeks worth of vacation where I read it off and on interspersed with Unconventional and Sherlock Holmes. The book has been borrowed from a friend so was the first paper book I've read in 2012 whereas all others have been Kindle format.  I've finished this book on our one and only February Saturday to spent at home while sipping a glass of Jacob's Creek Shiraz Cabernet ~ (2009, Australia), and enjoying a homemade Thai Green Curry. It's been nothing but a pleasure.

(Typed with the taste of Red Wine still on my lips)


Unknown said...

I really like this book too! Such an interesting read, yes? Love you friend!

Unknown said...

I'm taking a guess to who unknown begins with a C and ends with an ailin?

I really, really enjoyed the book. It fascinates me to see and read what the 'non-spiritual' choose and/or confidently take away from scriptural lessons, fascinates, intrigues and offers insight.

Unknown said...

Oh man, so not supposed to be unknown! How do you make your name show up on these things? :) I may be a little techno unsavvy ...

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