Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blog(s)

Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for the public and have no self.

~Cyril Connolly

Seems a lot of friends of mine are currently undergoing the process of processing.
Processing the 'purpose' of blogging.
of putting it all out there
on the world wide web.
of being vulnerable
in a multitude of ways.

Their insights have encouraged me.

"Now, I have to say this. You guys had the right idea with blogs. I usually feel better when I write in my journal but on a blog, it's out there, and although you don't have to tell anyone about it, someone might read it. And for some reason that makes all the difference. You feel that you are heard, known to some small degree, but known none the less."

This followed some equally well spoken words from another dear blogger friend
words I cannot seem to relocate...

Anyway, all this to say
to confirm
to share
to inform
to encourage

that I enjoy writing. I have three blogs. I will not be ashamed.
Nor will I expect to become famous or well-known because of
one, two or all three.

They each serve a specific purpose for me
a purpose I need from them
a purpose, with one blog in particular, that others 'need' from me.

I blog for oh-so-many-reasons
And it is a beautiful contribution to my soul.

Thanks for stopping by.
If you're so inclined:
I cook and record recipes here.
I post regular updates on life here.

(Typed while finishing off a Brown Bone China mug of honey citrus tea).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you blog. Please do it forever!

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