Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Do Not See

Taken during the first sunrise of 2011 in Daejeon, South Korea

When I rang in 2010, I knew about as much as anyone can know about an upcoming year.
I knew I had 5 months left working at Linford.
I knew I had only 5 months to enjoy the day-to-day company,
presence, friendship and comfort of my Laramie 'family'.
I knew I'd go to Hawaii
I knew we'd travel the World
We'd meet our Sponsor Child
We'd be in South Africa for the World Cup
We'd end in Asia, most likely with Teaching positions
I'd celebrate 3 years of marriage with my husband
I'd spend Christmas in a foreign land

Granted, any of that could have changed. Could have been dropped, re-vamped, re-written, undone.
But it wasn't.
So at the brink of 2010, I knew what a big and impactful and amazing and wonderful year lay ahead.

In a word, 2010 was Bittersweet.

For months, I knew I was about to leave some of the most
Amazing, Supportive, Beautiful, Loving, Encouraging, Inspiring, Gentle, Humble, God-Fearing, Service-Hearted, Community-Oriented, Intentional friends I've ever known or called my own.
The taste was bitter
For months, I knew I would embark on a dream of a journey filled with joy, adventure, sights, experiences, challenges, growth, lessons and new friendships I couldn't have if I stayed 'home'
The taste was sweet
For months I knew I'd leave my family, yet they'd continue to call and email and facebook and be my family.
The taste is bittersweet.
For months I knew my workday woes would come to an end yet I'd be without my amazing and inspirational co-workers nor the children whom I loved, regardless of behavior.
The taste is bittersweet.
For months I have lived in a foreign land and have experienced such warmth and hospitatility, delightful flavors on my tastebuds, the beginnings of friendships that are just as impressive as the ones I left behind, friendships which I know I am better for having been a part of.
The taste is sweet.
For months I have missed out on the day-to-day lives of cherished family and friends, children growing, wedding bells ringing, Christmas Breaks re-juvenating and re-uniting, New Year glasses clinking, in a place that will always and forever be home.
The taste is bitter.

Last year, we received the gift of a prayer from a dear friend.
One that as applicaple then as it is now:

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where if will end.

Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not meant that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
And I hope that I have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if i do this you will lead me by the right road,
though I may know nothing about it.

Therefore I will trust you always
though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

~Thomas Merton

I raise my yellow teacup filled with hot water ( a strange habit developed in the ROK) to the year of 2011 although I do not see.


Stephanie said...

With you I'll raise mine. What bliss comes with the not always knowing. What you can hold firm of though dear friend is that whatever comes your way, you are never alone and the Lord your God will continue to show Himself beautifully before you. Sending my love!

Micah and SaraJane said...

Love the prayer that Mark shared. Reading it always reminds me of you three and our last service at Emmaus before you ventured on your journey. Love and miss you bunches.

Anonymous said...

This made me "smile" because even in times when you feel lost, you sound like you know exactly where you are. That's true talent...or divine beauty.

...Probably more of the latter!

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