Sunday, May 13, 2012

Books 2012: 2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake

2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake by The quakebook community
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is was such an intersting compilation of reflections from Japan's March 2011 earthquake/tsunami. People from all over the world, primarily from Japan or with a connection to Japan shared their experience and emotions regarding the event. Via a man and his Twitter account (perhaps other social media) this book came together quickly and served to rasie funds for the disaster - really, an impressive and interesting project.

"To support Japan, what I would say is this: Simply do what you do everyday, but do it better. Go to school or to work but with passion and energy. Engage your neighbors or community but whit more sympathy and compassion than you ever have. Let these historic moments move you, inspire you and invigorate you for as long as the feeling lasts because, believe me, that initial adrenaline and humanitarian solidarity will wear off. Ride it as long as you can. Let it make you be a better person, and let it wake you up from the complacency in your life." (pg. 31/location 592)

"The depth of one's emotions is not necessarily proportional to the level of emotion being expressed." (pg. 82/location 1746).

"From the outside, we may act calm and cheerful to the point of seeming creepy. But do understnad: We are crying inside, we are gritting our teeth, often literally. I seem to have developed a constant crease in my forehead." (pg. 83/location 1760).

View all my reviews

A few other notes:
I read this primarily on the plane to and from Tokyo, Japan for a weekend getaway/meet-up with good friends. Makes things a bit more real.

(Typed while in desperate need for something to tea.)

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