Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tea of the Month: Teas for Mothers!

In honor of the beautiful women and mothers of the world...
Try our Herbs for Woman or Mother's Pride - This month, the price drops to $8.95!
Or - Get the Women's Fitness Pack, complete with Herbs for Woman, Mother's Pride, and Sweet Dreams for only $25

Find out what each element has to offer us in our daily struggle to be healthy. Please understand that the following information given is not intended to diagnose, treat, or give health advice about any medical condition. Customers must talk to a Health Professional and do research on their own. This is simply a breakdown of the elements contained in the tea and does not specifically indicate that it will give that particular benefit to the drinker.

Herbs for Woman: Cinnamon, Apple Bits, Rooibos, Ginger Bits, Raspberry Leaves, Fennel, Chamomile, Cardamon, Cloves, Orange Peels, Perforated St. John’s Wort, Black Pepper, Goose Grass, Juniper Berries, and Flavourings.

Cinnamon is a fascinating spice! Did you know that it is absorbed better into your body when it is hot?? Here are some of it’s many health benefits:
- It has anti-inflammatory qualities that can lessen joint and muscle pain.
- It helps regulate blood sugar by lowering it…it is especially good for those with type 2 Diabetes.
- It can benefit the heart by improving circulation.
- It can improve digestive health and relieve stomach discomforts…especially in menstrual cycles, including cramping and other discomforts from menstruation.
- Helpful in preventing urinary tract infections, tooth decay, gum disease.
- Is able to reduce triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol in the same study participants.
- May have ability to tone and constrict tissues in body.
- Provides relief from congestion.
- It is a powerful antimicrobial agent…has the ability to kill germs like E. coli and other harmful bacteria.

Apple Bits:
- Studies show this may protect against Alzheimer’s and Parkensonism.
- May reduce Breast Cancer risk.
- Apple nutrients protect against oxidative damage linked to Neurodegenerative Diseases….good for brain health.
- May help reduce Colon Cancer risk…contains procyanidins which stop newly-forming cancer cells from multiplying and gives them the chemical signal to “self-destruct” (known as apoptosis).
- May reduce chronic cough.
- Helps with lung health.
- May reduce risk of Digestive Cancers.

Ginger Bits:
- Used for abdominal bloating, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and rheumatism.
- Used to treat inflammatory joint diseases.
- Recognized remedy for appetite loss, indigestion, and motion sickness.
- May relieve gas, loosen phlegm, and tighten tissues.
- May ease sore throats, headaches, ulcerative colitis, some types of menstrual and arthritis pain, fevers and aches caused by colds and flu.

Raspberry Leaves:
- Most often recommended for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness and nausea.
- Also used for respiratory conditions and for heart health maintenance.
- Can shorten labor.
- Might decrease likelihood of pre and post-term gestation.
- Women less likely to receive an artificial rupture of their membranes, or require caesarean section, forceps, or vacuum birth.
- Has potent antioxidant activity.
- Used for inflammation of the mouth, throat, skin disorders, flu, fever, water retention, menstrual pain, vitamin deficiency, blood sugar irregularities, and as a blood and skin purification agent.
- Contains gallo- and ellagitannins; flavonoids; vitamin C.

- Seeds are very effective for digestive problems.
- May help overcome gas, cramps, acid indigestion, and other digestive tract maladies.
- Rich in minerals including magnesium. Contains Anethol…may inhibit spasms in smooth muscles such as the intestinal tract. Contains Fenchone…responsible for the medicinal properties of fennel.
- Consumption can increase the production of bile and may also possess diuretic, pain-reducing and anti-microbial activities.
- Works as a mouth freshener.

- Used for Bronchitis, colds, cough, fever, skin inflammation, sore throat, tendency to infection, and for wounds and burns.
- Also used to treat inflammation and spasms of the digestive tract.
- Used as a bath additive to combat irritated skin.
- May be helpful with colic.
- May help insomnia, gastritis, diarrhea, IBS, canker sores, Crohn’s disease.
- Caution for those with hay fever or asthma or allergies to members of this plant.

- Known as the “Spice of Paradise”.
- Good source of Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Zinc.
- Also good source of Dietary Fiber, Iron and Manganese.
- Helps to improve digestion, and stimulates the metabolism.
- Detoxifies the body of caffeine.
- Cleanses kidneys and bladder.
- Improves circulation to the lungs and thus is considered good for asthma and bronchitis.
- Is a Antispasmodic.
- Can counteract excess acidity in the stomach.
- Stimulates appetite.
- Remedy for tendency to infection.
- Cures halitosis (bad breath).

- Do not use if have a bleeding or blood clotting disorder, or taking medications to prevent or treat blood clotting disorder.
- Antiseptic, analgesic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, anesthetic, carminative, prevents vomiting, stimulant.
- May be effective in blocking sensory receptors that are instrumental in perceiving pain.
- Used for bad breath and to relieve toothache.
- In Asia, used to treat malaria, cholera, scabies, and tuberculosis.
- Eases discomfort of gas and abdominal bloating.
- Effective in relieving nausea, and used for traveler’s diarrhea.
- Eases coughs and when applied topically relieves muscle spasms.
- Good stimulant for the mind…improves memory.
- Used to prepare for childbirth by stimulating and strengthening uterine contractions during labor.
- Treats acne, skin ulcers, cores, and styes.
- Makes a potent mosquito and moth repellent.
- Sucking on cloves may reduce temporarily the craving for alcohol.

Orange Peels:
- Abundant source of carbohydrates that have multiple health-promoting properties.
- Has “prebiotic” properties….stimulate health and help prevent foodborne pathogen growth.
- Appetite stimulant.
- Helps with digestive disorders, gastric-juice deficiency, and gastrointestinal disorders.
- Helps prevent abnormal growths (skin, breast, colon, etc.).

Perforated St. Johns Wort:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Used topically for fibromyalgia.
- Used for insomnia, mood disorders, muscle cramps and pain, nervous disorders, PMS.
- May help prevent senility and help with aging problems.
- Topically used for skin disorders.
- Used for sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety disorders.

Black Pepper:
- It stimulates the taste buds in such a way that an alert is sent to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion, thereby improving digestion.
- It is a carminitive….helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas.
- It has diaphoretic and diuretic properties (promote sweating/ promote urination).
- Demonstrates impressive antioxidant and antibacterial effects.
- Outer layer stimulates the breakdown of fat cells.
- Gives you energy.

Goose Grass:
- Used extensively in the treatment of lymphatic problems, urinary conditions, and skin problems.
- Used in treatment of ulcers and local swelling.
- May be helpful in the treatment of heart disease.
- Helps rid body of toxins and purify the blood.
- Helps to expel stones and gravel.
- Known as best cleansing tonics.
- Acts as a diuretic…increases urinary flow ridding the kidneys and bladder of gravel, stones, and clearing the urinary tract of various infections.
- Alleviates prostate disorders.
- Stimulates perspiration and sweating…this cools body and lowers fevers…helps expel toxic wastes through skin.
- Used topically, benefits eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, minor injuries, and other skin inflammations.
- May have blood –thinning properties…reducing blood pressure and platelet aggregation (blood clotting). Could help prevent arteriosclerosis, strokes, and heart attacks.
- High in Vitamin C.

Juniper Berries:
- Helps increase the flow of digestive fluids.
- Reduces gas, cramping and other stomach discomforts.
- Antiseptic: may assist with removal of waste and toxins from body.
- May help eliminate excess water retention and contribute to temporary weight loss.
- Moderate circulatory stimulant… take care of rheumatism.
- Cleanses blood and tones the system…reduces the bodies susceptibility to disease.
- Used to treat bladder infections, dissolves kidney stones and prostrate sediment, and used to treat water retention.
- Can help tone the pancreas and help repair damaged tissues.

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