Friday, November 28, 2008

The 12 Teas of Christmas

Tea Drinkers and Tea Party-ers - looking for some fun ways to have a tea party during this crazy Holiday Season? Check out these ideas and consider hosting a tea party on your own with your current collection of teas or give me a call and I'll bring over some of my teas and try to get you some great Hostess rewards! Many of these tea ideas would be just as great outside of the Holiday Season, so if one tickles your fancy but this time of year is already to hectic, let me know when you'd like to try out one of these fabulous ideas!


Invite friends and family the weekend of Thanksgiving for some peaceful
moments! In the midst of mall sales and left over turkey, make time to get
together over a cup of hot tea to reflect on all the blessings you’ve
experienced over the past year.


Think you’ve heard it all? Not even close! So, you know you and your
girlfriends will all be at the mall the day after Thanksgiving … be the
saving grace for all! Send a note that you’ll be serving tea at a time of
your choice at your car! Put on the note which exit of the Mall they’ll be
able to find your car (outside Macy’s for example) and have a couple
thermoses full of tea and maybe a basket of cookies or scones. It will be a
great shopping break and have everyone save their pocket money for gifts
than $3 cups of coffee at the food court!


Have those planners in your life over the first day or two of December for a
planner’s tea. Serve tea and have everyone bring their calendars to mark
choir musicals, children’s programs, make shopping lists, etc. It’s a great
time to get a hold over the events of the month!


Whether it’s hot tea, iced tea, or even a little hot chocolate… nothing
soothes the soul like a warm cup! Each evening while you go thru your
advent devotionals and light the candles, have the family settle down and
focus on the time together. With warm liquids around, the kids will settle
down and feel comfy-cozy! It will make your time even more special!


Why not use a favorite color of Christmas for your theme? Enjoy a Rooibos
Tea (a red tea), tomato soup, red pepper canapés, and a cherry cobbler. Use
red invitations, red table linens, invite your guests to wear red and give
red cinnamon discs as a favor!


Just like the red tea… but choose a great green tea to serve! Offer
Benedictine rounds, herb savories, and phyllo cups with lime curd!


Enjoy a fruity tea with the little ones in our lives… or….. a fragrant heady
tea with the mothers we’ve shared so many holidays with! Or have all the
generations at one event! At many craft stores (in the wedding dept) you’ll
find inexpensive white gloves you could tea stain prior to the event for the
little girls to wear and take home with them. Have all the grown ups bring
their own tea cup. The stories of where the cups came from will be


Invite friends over for tea and a make-n-take craft! Use ideas from the
showcase or kits from Oriental Trading Company for quick & easy craft
projects. The activity, conversation and favors are all in one!


Have the neighbors in for some fellowship, tea and a recipe exchange. Put
on the invitation if you’d like them to bring a family meal recipe, a
dessert, tea treat, soup, or just one of their favorites! The recipes are
exchanged and friendships are strengthened! A real win-win situation in
today’s busy world! Our neighbors are our Judea!


This one may require a little research, but your guests will be so delighted
with the outcome! Look into Holiday customs of various Countries and
cultures and share them at your tea. Choose perhaps a Japanese Jasmine tea,
Mexican Christmas cookies, Norwegian leftsa, Swiss chocolates, etc. You may
also wish to invite a Missionary or someone from another country to share
their customs or cultures.


Get the girls together with tea, ink pens, address books, stamps and their
Christmas cards! Nothing is better than checking off a line item on your
to-do-list! And, giggle with the girls while doing it! A couple pots of
tea, basket of muffins or plate of cookies and it’s a party!

Twist on Christmas Card tea: Christmas PRESENT tea
Ask your friends to bring over 2-3 gifts that they need to wrap. Wrapping paper, scissors and tape will be provided. The guests can wrap their gifts, sip some tea, eat some scones and just enjoy the holidays instead of all the hustle and bustle.


Take a thermos of tea, tea cup, scone, cookie or the like to your child’s
teacher. It’s totally appropriate to mark the thermos with your name to get
it back, but the cup or mug could be theirs to keep. Some tea, coffee,
muffin or scone mix, etc. would add to the basket for some Christmas cheer
throughout their entire day! The thought is always appreciated during the
wild days leading up to Christmas Break!


OK, Christmas is over, the ho-hum days of January have arrived and everyone
has a bad case of the January blues…. Have a party! Decorate with all your
cutest snowmen, brew some hot tea and enjoy pondering all the memories from
Christmas. Have your guests bring photos from their Holidays to pass around
or a favorite Christmas gift to show! It’s grown up Show & Tell --- and
it’s always great fun!

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