Sunday, May 22, 2011

You Have Suffered Enough

I woke up this morning with this line of Falling Slowly running through my head

Suffered Enough.

I know that at many levels, things could be worse, suffering could be more painful.
There are plenty of people I can still hold on to, and for that, I'm grateful.

But this year of teaching in Korea won't stop handing us loss and death
from home.

Perhaps we should have seen it coming.
One grandfather passed while we were in flight to this new chapter of our lives.

Recently a dear Uncle.
And now another Grandfather.

In so many ways, when choosing to live 5,000 miles away from home
one prepares for these kinds of events.

So, we're not caught completely off guard.
But, we're  not really...there.

I look forward to returning in August. To letting the truth of these losses sink in. To processing through these times that feel and are, so far removed.

Only two more months.
Followed by another year.

Lord, protect the ones we love and heal us.

(Typed while waiting for a brown, bone-china mug filled with milky Chai Tea to cool down)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Praying for you both friend! All our love from these miles away.

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